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Many companies look to Europe as a key market for the future development of their business.  They are quite right to do so. Expansion into Europe is a logical progression: 35% of the world's IT market is in Europe, the Euro zone's economy approaches the size of the US's $8 trillion, the business issues are the same and on the face of it the target markets are familier.

But That Is Where the Similarity Ends

In reality, whilst the business issues appear to be the same, the European business model is VERY different and varies from country to country.  Many companies set up a virtual office based around one person or assign 'Europe' to a US based Account Manager.  But without adequate support or a marketing plan, the ability of an individual to develop business in his or her own right in a large and diverse market such as Europe is questionable and usually impossible - you wouldn't do it in your home market so why should it work here??!!

We know the market.

We know the mistakes that overseas investors can make and the issues they overlook.

We Make A Difference!

Pooled Resources provides a one-stop service to establish your sales and marketing operations in the European marketplace.

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